Animales de servicio y apoyo
Animales de apoyo emocional (ESAN) y animales de servicio entrenados (SVAN)
Delta solo acepta Animales de Servicio Entrenados (SVAN).
- Los clientes que reserven un viaje al menos 48 horas antes de la salida del vuelo deben enviar por adelantado el Formulario de Viaje Aéreo de Animales de Servicio para su validación.
- Los pasajeros que reserven su viaje durante las 48 horas previas a la salida deberán presentar esta documentación en el mostrador de facturación o en la puerta de embarque.
- En aquellos vuelos de 8 o más horas de duración, los clientes además deberán entregar un Formulario de certificación higiénica del DOT que certifique que el animal de servicio entrenado no hará sus necesidades dentro de la aeronave o que lo podrá hacer de una forma higiénica.
Información adicional sobre la política de animales de servicio entrenados
- Los animales de servicio entrenados se definen como perros, independientemente de su raza, entrenados específicamente para ayudar a personas discapacitadas.
- Delta ha retirado su prohibición a los perros de raza pit bull para los SVAN, siempre que cumplan los requisitos de documentación y comportamiento de los animales de servicio entrenados; sin embargo, de conformidad con la política actual de Delta, no se permitirá que los perros de raza pit bull viajen como PECT.
- Un pasajero discapacitado que lleve consigo un animal de servicio entrenado (SVAN) podrá sentarse en cualquier lugar de su cabina excepto en la fila de salida. Esto incluye Delta One, Business o First Class.
- Delta continuará negando el embarque a cualquier animal de servicio entrenado que suponga una amenaza o que muestre un comportamiento agresivo o inapropiado públicamente (ladrar, gruñir, no controlar sus funciones corporales, etc.).
- Delta continuará trabajando con su consejo asesor sobre discapacidad para asegurarse de que esta nueva normativa se aplica de manera que mejore la experiencia de viaje de todos los pasajeros.
Otra información de ayuda - Viajar con un Animal de servicio entrenado
- Solo se aceptará hasta 2 SVAN (solo perros)
- Los clientes pueden viajar con hasta dos (s) SVAN y un (1) PETC si se cumplen todas las condiciones
- La aprobación final del viaje está sujeta a la autorización por parte del aeropuerto del cumplimiento de todas las restricciones y condiciones
- Los SVAN se aceptarán con independencia de su raza
- Un SVAN que aún esté en entrenamiento no cumplirá los requisitos de “animal entrenado” y no podrá viajar en cabina. Delta permitirá un SVAN en entrenamiento siempre y cuando viaje con un entrenador profesional de camino hacia su propietario.
- Todos los animales deberán entrar de forma cómoda en el suelo, en el espacio del pasajero.
- Los animales de servicio deben permanecer con el pasajero en todo momento.
- No se permite el transporte de animales sin acompañamiento en la cabina.
PNR and Other Documentation Requirements
Customers traveling with a trained service or emotional support or psychiatric service animal must contact Global Sales Support or Delta Reservations prior to departure, to advise that they are traveling so that the customer’s PNR is properly documented.
Seat Assignment and Seating Restrictions
A customer traveling with a service animal must have a seat assigned prior to departure. If a customer is traveling with a service animal they should:
- Select a seat that offers space for their animal.
- Service and support animals must be seated in the floor space below a seat, or in a passenger’s lap.
- The size of the animal must not exceed the “footprint” of the passenger’s seat.
With larger service or support animals or for passengers with multiple service animals, we may need to re-accommodate a customer if the animal encroaches on other passengers or extends into aisles, which would be a violation of FAA regulations.
No animals are allowed to occupy seats that are designed for passengers.
If a customer needs additional time to board the aircraft, pre-boarding is available. Please advise the customer to arrive at the gate with enough time to make arrangements with the gate agents prior to departure.
NOTE: If a customer encounters any issues with their service animal while at the airport or on board, please advise them to speak to a Complaint Resolution Official (CRO). These trained Delta representatives are ready to assist passengers with accessibility rights and needs.
Unacceptable Service/Support Animals
Delta does not accept the following as trained service animals. These animals pose safety and/or public health concerns. If you have additional questions, please contact the accessibility assistance line at 404-209-3434 or Delta Reservations.
- Hedgehogs
- Ferrets
- Insects
- Rodents
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Sugar gliders
- Reptiles
- Amphibians (frogs, etc.)
- Goats
- Non-household birds (farm poultry, waterfowl, game bird, & birds of prey)
- Animals improperly cleaned and/or with a foul odor
- Animals with tusk or hooves
Inappropriate Service Animal Behavior
Delta understands how important trained service animals are to customers. We will only refuse transportation of a trained service animal if it engages in disruptive or aggressive behavior such as:
- Growling
- Jumping on passengers
- Relieving themselves in the gate area or cabin
- Barking excessively, not in response to a handler’s need or distress
- Eating off seatback tray tables
Location Restrictions and International Travel Requirements
It is important to remember that some locations such as Hawaii, the U.K. and other island nations have additional requirements and quarantine laws that may not permit the entry or transit of animals. See Pet Travel Health Requirements for more information. Contact Delta at 404-209-3434 or visit the local government’s consulate website to learn the requirements for any transit points as well as for your final destination.
In addition, acceptance policies for trained service animals may vary by country. Prior to purchasing a ticket, contact Global Sales Support or Delta Reservations for assistance with appropriate information concerning transportation of any service or support animals outside of the U.S.
Service and Support Animal FAQs
Some helpful Service and Support Animal FAQs are available on delta.com.
Additional Resources
Additional information is available for transporting non-service animals as Pets in Cabin (PETC) or Pets in Hold (AVIH) or transporting pets via Delta Cargo.
CDC Requirements for Dogs Entering the U.S.
The CDC has specific documentation requirements and recently provided updated requirements that apply to all dogs, including trained service animals (SVAN), that are traveling to the United States starting August 1, 2024.
For complete information regarding this CDC policy as it pertains to SVANs, visit the Pet Policies page.
Partner Airlines
For information on Service and Support Animals while flying on our partner airlines, visit their respective website:
September 12, 2024
September 12, 2024