Where to Find GDS Information for Booking, Pricing and Ticketing Delta’s Branded Products
Each GDS provides information for Travel Agents to assist with booking, pricing and ticketing of Delta’s Branded Products in the GDS. The following URLs are provided to make it easier for Travel Agents to find this information.
Please note: A User ID and password is required to access most GDS informational websites.
How to get familiar with Branded Fares
Sabre users have access to eservices where branded fare information is stored. To access eservices, Agencies can sign in with a User ID and Password. Agencies can also use Format Finder to find booking, pricing, ticketing information while in Sabre. Select Tools > Format Finder and type “a reference word” and the system will return all sources of the reference.

Amadeus users can access Amadeus Service Hub using their User ID and Password.
Amadeus Fare Families Information – How to price an itinerary by Fare Family

MyTravelport (Worldspan, Apollo, Galileo)
Travelport users (Worldspan, Apollo, Galileo) have access to My.Travelport.com. Through MyTravelport, they have access to the Knowledge Base. Under Knowledge Article KB0029528 – Branded Fares General Information, Agencies using Worldspan, Apollo and Galileo are provided with the steps to price Branded Fares. In addition, the article advises “Access to branded fares is integrated into the booking flow if you are using Smartpoint. You can find more detailed information on Branded Fares via the Smartpoint Online Help”. Agencies can access Smartpoint Help by clicking the link in the KB article or by selecting the “?”

For additional information or questions, please contact the appropriate GDS Help Desk for assistance.