Contracts of Carriage
When a travel agency issues a ticket for travel on Delta, it creates a contract of carriage between the ticketed passenger and Delta. The terms of the contract are set forth in:
- The ticket issued
- Any tariffs that apply
- Delta's Conditions of Carriage
Delta Air Lines Conditions of Carriage: Contract of Carriage: International
Delta Air Lines Conditions of Carriage: Contract of Carriage: United States
Delta Air Lines Conditions of Carriage: Contract of Carriage: Canada
For past date conditions of carriage, please email us specifying which tariff you are requesting and the date of issuance of the applicable ticket.
*A Note for tickets issued to Delta Customers Residing in Canada: The plain language versions of Delta’s Canadian General Rules Tariff and International Conditions of Carriage are posted to assist passengers in interpreting the tariffs filed with the Canadian Transportation Agency (“CTA”). To the extent there are discrepancies between the plain language versions and the tariffs filed with the CTA, the tariffs filed with the CTA shall prevail.