Delta proudly supports Breast Care International in Ghana   

Walk for a Cure in Ghana

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and Delta is turning the skies pink in our efforts to raise money for this important cause.

In Ghana, Delta has proudly partnered with Breast Care International (BCI) since 2016. Delta helps fund the organization’s vital work to provide breast cancer awareness and screening programs in rural areas of the country.

With Delta's support, BCI's education programs have reached more than 150,000 people. Meanwhile, of the more than 20,000 people screened, some 2,000 suspected cases of breast cancer have been identified that may otherwise have been undetected.

Dr. Beatrice Addai Wiafe, Founder and President of Breast Care International, says: "At the center of our campaign is early detection and survivorship. It is vital families and women afflicted by life-threatening disease do not rely on herbal concoctions and other unapproved methods of treatment. Women who find a suspicious lump must contact their nearest health facility for immediate attention."  

 On Saturday, 7 October Delta's support of BCI was on full display as the organization hosted its annual Walk for a Cure in Accra, Ghana where more than 2,000 participants rallied behind the cause.

Delta’s involvement with BCI is helping to raise awareness and educate thousands of women and girls, taking the stigma out of breast cancer, particularly in rural communities. We are proud to unite our friends, families and customers in the important work to carry us closer to a cure.

Learn more. 

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