DOT Compliance Requirement on Fee and Tax Display
To ensure compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation guidelines concerning carrier-imposed surcharges, Delta will revise the manner in which it displays and describes any carrier-imposed surcharges on delta.com.
Since these DOT guidelines also apply to travel agents and non airline vendors of air transportation, Delta is sharing the following points to ensure that travel partners are also compliant by the April 20, 2012 compliance date outlined by the DOT.
All carrier-imposed surcharges must clearly be identified as a carrier-imposed surcharge and may not be displayed in any manner which suggests that the charge is a government-imposed tax or fee. In addition, the DOT has advised that if a surcharge is identified as being for a particular item or service (e.g., a “fuel” surcharge, or a “passenger service charge” or “security surcharge”) then the amount of the surcharge must accurately reflect the actual costs of the services. Delta does not impose any surcharges which may be identified as being for a particular item or service. All Delta-imposed surcharges must be identified as a “carrier-imposed international surcharge” and not as a “fuel surcharge” or any other terminology which may suggest that the surcharge is for a particular input or service.
Example of terminology changes:
Fare Screen or Advertising Display |
Suggested Change |
Taxes/Fees |
Taxes & Carrier-Imposed Fees |
International Surcharge |
Carrier-Imposed International Surcharge |
Questions regarding the DOT guidelines on this issue may be addressed to the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings (C-70), 400 7th St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.