Compliance With IATA Standard of SSRCTCE/M/R Fields for Customer Contact Data
In support of the IATA 830d Resolution, Delta Air Lines is asking that our Agency partners adopt the use of the SSRCTCE/SSRCTCM industry standard codes for storing customer contact information.
These contact element entries provide a structured format for customer contact data in the PNR ensuring that our shared Corporate customers obtain timely and relevant information from the airline.
If your agency has not already done so, Delta thanks you for adopting this new standard by June 1, 2019.
For more information on becoming compliant with IATA 830d Resolution, please click here.
Please see below for specific GDS instructions for IATA 830d Resolution standard transaction formats.
Optionally, preferred language may be included in the message using the language codes in ISO-639-1. Languages supported by carriers may vary.
Note: Use “//” (double slash) in place of @ (at sign), use “..” (double dot) in place of “_” (underscored) and use “./” (dot slash) where a “–“ (dash) is needed in an e-mail address.
Transaction formats |
SSRCTCE email contact SRCTCE-LOPEZ.ANGEL//GMAIL.COM SSRCTCE email including customer's preferred language SRCTCE-LOPEZ.ANGEL//GMAIL.COM/SP SSRCTCM phone number including country code/LANGUAGE SRCTCM-1234567890/IN SSRCTCR in case customer refuses to give contact information SRCTCR-REFUSED |
SSRCTCE email contact >SI.P1/SSRCTCEYYHK1/A.LOPEZ//YAHOO.COM SSRCTCE email including customer's preferred language >SI.P1/SSRCTCECXHK1/A.LOPEZ//YAHOO.COM/DE SSRCTCM phone number including country code /LANGUAGE >SI.P1/SSRCTCMLHHK1/12021234567 >SI.P1/SSRCTCMLHHK1/49 6987654321/DE SSRCTCR in case customer refuses to give contact information >SI.P3/SSRCTCRYYHK1/REFUSED |
SSRCTCE email contact 3CTCE/JOHN.SMITH//AOL.COM-1.1 SSRCTCE email including customer's preferred language 3CTCE/JOHN.SMITH//AOL.COM/EN-1.1 SSRCTCM phone number including country code /LANGUAGE 3CTCM/12233444444-1.1 3CTC/1234455555/DE-1.2 SSRCTCR in case customer refuses to give contact information 3CTCR/REFUSED TO PROVIDE CTC INFO-1.1 |
SSRCTCE email contact @:3SSRCTCELYYHK1/N1/J.SMITH//YAHOO.COM SSRCTCM phone number including country code /LANGUAGE @:3SSRCTCMLHHK1/N1/12021234567 SSRCTCR in case customer refuses to give contact information @:3SSRCTCRYYHK1/N1/FREE TEXT PASSENGER REFUSED |
SSRCTCE email contact 3SSRCTCEYYHK1/J.SMITH//YAHOO.COM-1.1 -(dash) is permitted in the email address 3SSRCTCEYYHK1/J-A.SMITH//YAHOO.COM SSRCTCM phone number including country code 3SSRCTCMLHHK1/12021234567-1.1 SSRCTCM phone number including country code indicating preferred language is German 3SSRCTCMLHHK1/496987654321/DE-1.1 SSRCTCR in case customer refuses to give contact information 3SSRCTCRYYHK1/FREE TEXT NO CONTACT INFORMATION-1.1
SSRCTCE email contact >SSR CTCE MU HK1/A.LOPEZ//YAHOO.COM/P1/S2 SSRCTCE email including customer's preferred language >SSR CTCE MU HK1/A.LOPEZ//YAHOO.COM/CN/P1/S2 SSRCTCM phone number >SSR CTCM MU HK1/136111183249/P1/S2 SSRCTCR in case customer refuses to give contact information >SSR CTCR MU HK1/REFUSED/P1/S2 |