Domestic Routing and Maximum Connecting Time Instructions
In order to offer all Delta customers a better shopping and travel experience Delta instructs all authorized agents to follow the requirements outlined below for displaying/offering and selling certain Delta itineraries and fares.
These requirements apply to all Delta Domestic* fare searches.
Domestic Routing Check Instructions (Circuitous Route Check)
1. When a customer requests a one-way journey and provides origination city, destination city and date/time:
a. IF a thru fare** result: All DL thru fares (single fare component) for the requested Origin/Destination (O/D) shall be displayed/offered and sold; all applicable fare rules and routing restrictions apply.
b. IF an End-on-End*** combination results (multiple fare components): Fares that are not a thru fare are permitted to be displayed/offered and sold if, and only if, such fares meet at least one of the following conditions:
i. Itineraries where the total trip mileage is less than or equal to 200% of the requested O/D great circle miles (GCM).
1. Example – a customer requests an ATL-JFK journey which is 758 GCM; therefore, any itinerary result that is less than or equal to 1516 GCM is permissible for display/offer and sale. (200% of 758 equals 1516).
a. An ATL-CMH-JFK itinerary is permissible for display/offer and sale as it is under the allowable miles at 928 GCM.
b. An ATL-FLL-JFK itinerary is NOT PERMISSIBLE for display/offer and sale as it is over the allowable miles at 1654 GCM.
ii. If, and only if, no itinerary results can be created with the “thru fare result option (see item 1(a) above), then the “best DL schedule”**** shall be displayed/offered and sold if, and only if, the total trip mileage (GCM) of the requested O/D is less than or equal to 250% of the requested O/D GCM.
1. Example 1 – a customer requests an AAA-BBB journey which is 198 GCM; if no DL thru fare is filed and the “best DL schedule” (via ATL) is 490 GCM, which is under 250%, then it is permissible to display/offer and sell an AAA-ATL-BBB itinerary.
2. Example 2 – a customer requests a CCC-DDD journey that is 72 GCM; if no DL thru fare is filed and the “best DL schedule” (via DTW) is 202 GCM, which is over 250%, then no DL itinerary or fare shall be displayed/offered or sold.
2. When a customer requests a round-trip journey and provides origination city, destination city and outbound/inbound dates/times:
a. IF a thru fare results from the requested origination city to the requested destination city (outbound trip): All DL thru fares (single fare component) for the requested outbound portion of trip shall be displayed/offered and sold; all applicable fare rules and routing restrictions apply.
b. IF a thru fare results from the requested destination city back to the origination city (inbound trip): All DL thru fares (single fare component) for the requested inbound portion of trip shall be displayed/offered and sold; all applicable fare rules and routing restrictions apply.
c. IF an End-on-End fare combination results between the origination city and the destination city or vice versa (multiple fare components): Fares (inbound and outbound) that are not a thru fare are permitted to be displayed/offered and sold if, and only if, such fares meet at least one of the following conditions:
i. Itineraries where the total O/D trip mileage is less than or equal to 200% of the requested O/D great circle miles (GCM).
1. Example – a customer requests an ATL-JFK-ATL journey that is 758 GCM each direction; therefore, any outbound or inbound itinerary result that is less than or equal to 1516 GCM is permissible for display/offer and sale (200% of 758 equals 1516).
a. An ATL-CMH-JFK-ATL itinerary is permissible for display/offer and sale as the outbound is under the allowable miles at 928 GCM and the inbound is a thru fare.
b. An ATL-FLL-JFK-ATL itinerary is NOT PERMISSIBLE for display/offer and sale as the outbound is over the allowable miles at 1654 GCM.
c. An ATL-CMH-JFK-FLL-ATL itinerary is NOT PERMISSIBLE for display/offer and sale as the inbound is over the allowable miles at 1654 GCM.
ii. If, and only if, no itinerary results can be created with a “thru fare result option” (see items 2(a) and 2(b) above), then the “best DL schedule” shall be displayed/offered and sold if, and only if, the total trip mileage (GCM) of the requested O/D is less than or equal to 250% of the requested O/D GCM.
1. Example 1 – a customer requests an AAA-BBB-AAA journey which is 198 GCM each direction; if no DL thru fare is filed and the “best DL schedule” (via ATL) is 490 GCM which is under 250%, then it is permissible to display/offer and sell an AAA-ATL-BBB-ATL-AAA itinerary.
2. Example 2– a customer requests a CCC-DDD-CCC journey which is 72 GCM each direction; if no DL thru fare is filed and the “best DL schedule” (via DTW) is 202 GCM which is over 250%, then no DL itinerary or fare shall be displayed/offered or sold.
3. When a customer requests a multi-trip journey and provides origination city, destination cities and dates/times:
a. IF a thru fare results from the requested origination city to a requested destination city (outbound trip): All DL thru fares (single fare component) for the requested outbound portion of trip shall be displayed/offered and sold; all applicable fare rules and routing restrictions apply.
b. IF a thru fare results from a requested destination city back to the origination city or any other requested city (inbound trip): All DL thru fares (single fare component) for the requested inbound portion of trip shall be displayed/offered and sold; all applicable fare rules and routing restrictions apply.
c. IF an End-on-End fare combination results between the origination city and a requested destination city or any other requested city or vice versa (multiple fare components): Fares that are not a thru fare are permitted to be displayed/offered and sold if, and only if, such fares meet at least one of the following conditions:
i. Itineraries where the total O/D trip mileage is less than or equal to 200% of the requested O/D great circle miles (GCM).
1. Example – a customer requests an ATL-JFK-CLE-ATL journey which has 3 trips; ATL-JFK is 758 GCM, JFK-CLE is 424 GCM and CLE-ATL is 555 GCM; therefore, any outbound or inbound itinerary result must be less than or equal to 200% GCM of the requested O/D in order to be permitted to be displayed/offered and sold. (200% of ATL-JFK = 1516, JFK-CLE = 848, CLE-ATL = 1110).
a. An ATL-CMH-JFK-CLE-MEM-ATL routing is permissible for display/offer and sale as all 3 trips are under 200% of a requested O/D GCM (Trip-1 ATL-CMH-JFK is within the 1515 GCM; Trip-2 JFK-CLE is a thru fare; Trip-3 CLE-MEM-ATL is within the 1110 GCM).
b. An ATL-CMH-JFK-MSP-CLE-MEM-ATL routing is NOT PERMISSIBLE for display/offer or sale as one of the trips is greater than 200% of a requested O/D GCM (Trip-1 ATL-CMH-JFK is within the 1515 GCM; Trip-2 JFK-MSP-CLE is not within the allowable 200% GCM; Trip-3 CLE-MEM-ATL is within the 1110 GCM). Since trip-2 does not meet the requirement, the entire routing is not permissible for display/offer or sale and a different qualifying itinerary must be created for trip-2.
ii. If, and only if, no itinerary results can be created with a “thru fare result option” (see items 3(a) and 3(b) above), then the “best DL schedule” shall be displayed/offered and sold if, and only if, the total trip mileage (GCM) of a requested O/D is less than or equal to 250% of the requested O/D GCM.
1. Example 1– a customer requests an AAA-BBB-CCC journey which has 2 trips: AAA-BBB is 198 GCM and BBB-CCC is 656 GCM; if no DL thru fare is filed on the AAA-BBB trip and the “best DL schedule” (via ATL) is 490 which is under 250% and the BBB-CCC trip is a thru fare, then it is permissible to display/offer and sell an AAA-ATL-BBB-CCC itinerary.
2. Example 2– a customer request a CCC-DDD-EEE journey which has 2 trips: CCC-DDD is 72 GCM and DDD-EEE is 458 GCM; if no DL thru fare is filed on the CCC-DDD trip and the “best DL schedule” (via DTW) is 202 which is over 250%, then no DL itinerary or fare shall be displayed, offered or sold.
Connection City Maximum Time Check Instructions
A connection city is any city that is not an Origin or Destination city of the customer.
1. When a customer requests a one-way journey and provides origination city, destination city and date/time:
a On a Domestic* only journey the maximum allowable time at a connecting city is 4 hours (must also apply DL minimum connect times). This maximum allowable time applies to both thru fares and non-thru fares.
2. When a customer requests a round-trip journey and provides origination city, destination city and dates/times:
a. On a Domestic* only journey the maximum allowable time at a connection city is 4 hours (must also apply DL minimum connect times). This maximum allowable time applies to both thru fares and non-thru fares.
b. A fare break must occur at the city that the customer has designated as a destination point.
3. When a customer requests a multi-trip journey and provides origination city, destination cities and dates/times:
a. On a Domestic* only journey the maximum allowable time at a connection city is 4 hours (must also apply DL minimum connect times). This maximum allowable time applies to both thru fares and non-thru fares.
b. A fare break must occur at each city that the customer has designated that city as a destination point, unless a thru fare is the resulting fare and the requested city is shown as a permitted stopover.
* “Domestic” is defined as travel within the 50 U.S and Canada.
** ”thru fare” is defined as a single fare component for the requested O/D.
*** ”End-on-End” combination is defined as more than one fare component for a requested O/D.
**** “best DL schedule” is defined as the lowest DL Ticketed Point Mileage (TPM) using great circle miles of the requested O/D.
Note – the percentage numbers are subject to change.