Pet Policies

General Information
At Delta, we take the time and care to ensure every animal travels safely and comfortably. There are several different options available to get a pet to its final destination, including being brought into the cabin , checked as baggage , or shipped as cargo traveling without their owner. Rest assured no matter how they are traveling, pets will have a safe and comfortable trip.
Please note: Some states may require a health certificate for a pet. A veterinarian, the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Department of Agriculture for the customer’s destination state, may be able to provide more information
Pets in Cabin (PETC) Embargo
Delta has implemented an embargo for Pets in Cabin (PETC) on flights originating in Brazil and Colombia, effective for tickets purchased on/after June 7, 2021, for travel on/after June 7, 2021.
Travel Originating From:
Bogotá, Colombia (BOG)
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (GIG) – When operational
Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)
Conditions That Apply to This Embargo:
- PETC Travel Originating in Brazil or Colombia:
o For tickets purchased on/after June 7, Delta will not allow PETC travel that originates in Brazil or Colombia.
o Delta will honor travel with PETC originating in Brazil/Colombia, for tickets purchased prior to June 7, 2021.
- Customers with PETC travel originating in the U.S. going to Brazil/Colombia may return to the U.S. with their pet.
- Additional Information:
o Tickets that are reissued on/after June 7, 2021 will fall under the original ticket date and rules.
o Does not apply to trained service animals (SVAN).
o Applies to Emotional Support Animals; however, Emotional Support Animals (ESAN) confirmed and approved prior to Jan. 11, 2021, will be allowed.
Pets in Cabin (PETC)
Delta Allows dogs, cats and household birds* to travel in the cabin of an aircraft to/from certain destinations for a one-way fee, collected at check in.
*Household birds are only permitted to travel on domestic U.S. flights.
The following restrictions apply to pets traveling as carry-on baggage:
- Only one (1) kennel per customer may be carried on the aircraft.
- There are no military exception for pets in cabin.
- Some aircraft and seats cannot accommodate pets in cabin.
- Customers with carry-on pets may not sit in the following areas:
- Bulkhead seats
- An emergency exit row
- Seats designated as "no stowage"
- Flat-bed seats
- Rows 46-51 on the A330-200 aircraft
- Rows 54-59 on the A330-300 aircraft
- Center seats on the B757-200 aircraft
- B737-900ER
- Row 1 and Window seats in First Class due to no underseat stowage space
- Delta One® seats
- Delta Premium Select seats
- Bulkhead seats
- Customers with carry-on pets may not sit in the following areas:
- A pet must be small enough to fit comfortably in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the kennel and with the ability to move around.
- The kennel must fit under the seat directly in front of the customer.
- Maximum carry-on kennel dimensions are determined by the aircraft type. Delta recommends a soft-sided kennel with maximum dimensions of 18” x 11” x 11” that fit most aircraft types. Contact Global Sales Support or Delta Reservations to determine the appropriate kennel size.
- A pet must remain inside the kennel (with door secured) while in a Delta boarding area (during boarding and deplaning), a Delta airport lounge and while onboard the aircraft.
- A pet must be at least 10 weeks old for Domestic travel.
- A pet must be 16 weeks old if traveling to the U.S. from other countries and must be at least 15 weeks old for European Union travel.
- A pet counts as one piece of carry-on baggage. Pet in Cabin fees still apply.
- One pet is permitted per kennel with the following exceptions:
- One female cat/dog may travel with her un-weaned litter if the litter is a minimum of 10 weeks old to 6 months of age.
- There is no limit on the number of animals in the litter.
- Two (2) pets of the same breed and size between the age of 10 weeks and 6 months may be allowed to travel in one (1) kennel, providing they are small enough to fit into one kennel and are compatible. They will be charged as one (1) pet.
Please Note: Delta does not accept pets in the cabin to/from the following locations:
- Australia
- Barbados
- Dubai
- Hawaii (See Pets to Hawaii for additional details)
- Hong Kong (Special permit/import permit or quarantine permit is required for all animals and birds (including dogs & cats) applied before arrival in Hong Kong and they must be shipped as cargo covered by an air bill.)
- Iceland
- Jamaica
- New Zealand
- Republic of Ireland
- South Africa
- United Kingdom
- United Arab Emirates
Pets are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Delta and its partners limit the number of total pets in cabin per flight. Call Global Sales Support or Delta Reservations in advance to arrange for a customer to bring a pet on board.
Pet in Hold (AVIH) Embargo
Delta Cargo has implemented an embargo on all pet in hold (AVIH) bookings
- Currently there is no end date to the embargo. Cargo will continually revisit the restrictions throughout the upcoming days and weeks as there are changes to our network
- The embargo is for pets (AVIH) only and applies to all shipments and all stations globally
- Delta will still accept service (SVAN) that cannot be accommodated in cabin
Delta will transport pets in hold (AVIH) only in the following situations:
- Active U.S. military or active U.S. State Department foreign service officers (FSO) and spouses meeting the following requirements:
- On day of departure, must have ability to produce government-issued active U.S. military ID or active U.S. foreign service personnel ID/official passport
- On day of departure, must have ability to produce change of assignment orders from military; or change of assignment orders from/to U.S. embassy, consulate, or mission
- Only on flights less than 12 hours in duration. (No exceptions for Military on the 12-hour policy)
Note: Change of gauge flights are considered two separate flights when calculating the 12-hour maximum flight time.
Pets in Hold (AVIH)
Pets in Hold (AVIH) is a service offered by Delta to active U.S. military or active U.S. State Department Foreign Service Officers (FSO) and spouses (see requirements below),as well as any trained service or support animal unable to travel in the cabin. All animals not meeting these exceptions may not travel as checked baggage and must travel as freight through Delta Cargo.
U.S Military Personnel / Foreign Service Officers
Delta only accepts animals as checked baggage for active U.S Military or Active U.S State Department Foreign Service Officers (FSO) & their Spouse with active transfer orders for a fee. Pets must comply with federal regulations, including proper documentation based on current policies and procedures.
Military Personnel and Foreign Service Officers who meet the outlined exceptions must book pets as checked baggage at least 48 hours before departure.
The following animals are accepted as checked baggage and a customer may transport two kennels per flight. (Giant-sized kennels may only be shipped as cargo; additional restrictions apply according to aircraft and class of service):
- cats (except snub-nosed cats; see list of relevant breeds)
- dogs (except pug or snub-nosed dogs; see list of relevant breeds)
- household birds (domestic U.S. only)
- guinea pigs (domestic U.S. only)
- rabbits (domestic U.S. only)
- hamsters (domestic U.S. only)
- marmots (domestic U.S. only)
All other animals, including reptiles and primates (including lemurs, monkeys, orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees), must be shipped as cargo.
- Animal fees are charged each time the pet is checked in at the airport. Fees will be assessed at each stopover point.
- Exceptions may apply to routings that require connections greater than 6 hours.
- Animals are not included in the free baggage allowance or for Delta American Express card (AMEX) free baggage allowance.
- No excess size or weight fees apply.
Please note: Delta and Delta Cargo do not accept warm blooded animals on flights with an average flight time of greater than 12 hours.
Within the U.S. or Between the U.S. /Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico: $200 USD
Between the U.S. and Canada/Caribbean/other International Destinations: $200/USD/CAD/EUR*
Between the U.S. and Brazil: $150 USD
*CAD amount will be charged exit Canada, and EUR amount will be charged exit Europe. Fees established by the contract of carriage in effect at the time of ticket issuance will apply.
Please note: Fees are subject to change.
Pets in Hold and Connecting Flights
- Delta will not accept animals traveling on itineraries with more than one connection.
- Delta will not check animals through on separate tickets as separate fees may apply.
- Customers must collect the animal and re-check the animal with the first operating carrier on the additional ticket.
- An exception may be made for separate tickets if they are issued on DL006 ticket stock and if all flights on the itineraries are Delta-operated.
- Delta cannot check animals through to other airlines (OAL) with the exception of a SkyTeam partner airline. Please contact Global Sales Support or Delta Reservations for information regarding the pet in hold requirements if transferring to another SkyTeam partner airline.
- Customers will need to contact the other airline to verify animals as checked baggage acceptance and carrier charges.
- Customers must claim their checked animal from Delta at the connecting point and re-check pet with the other airline. Make sure to add 45 minutes to legal connecting time to make the transfer.
CDC Requirements for Dogs Entering the U.S.
The CDC has specific documentation requirements and recently provided updated requirements that apply to all dogs, including trained service animals (SVAN), Pet in Cabin (PETC), Pet in Hold (AVIH) and dogs handled via Delta Cargo, that are traveling to the United States, starting August 1, 2024. Dogs entering the U.S. must:
- Be at least 6 months old
- Be microchipped and appear healthy
- Be accompanied by a CDC Dog Import Form receipt
- Have specific vaccination or veterinary documents based on travel history & vaccination history; see the chart below. The CDC's website has the current list of countries designated as "high-risk"
Please Note: Additional documentation that may be required will depend on where the dogs rabies vaccinations were administered and if, within the past 6 months, the dog has been in a high-risk country for rabies or a low-risk or rabies-free country.
Dog Travel History & Vaccination Location |
Documentation Requirements (in addition to above outlined general requirements) |
Dogs from High-risk Country, U.S. Vaccinated |
Dogs from High-risk Country, Foreign Vaccinated |
Dogs from Rabies-free/Low-risk Country, regardless of vaccination status |
Documentation Requirements
Clear and concise documentation of the pet is required to provide necessary service to our customers. Both pet in cabin (PETC) and pet in hold (AVIH) require the following documentation:
- Appropriate SSR (PETC or AVIH)
- Breed of animal
- Weight of animal
- Kennel dimensions
Please contact your local Delta Reservations office or Delta Sales Support to assist you with the documentation requirements for a reservation that includes a PETC or AVIH.
Ship Your Pet with Delta Cargo
Delta Cargo provides safe, reliable, year-round transportation for pets. Our specially trained ground handlers offer customers' pets personalized care and our Cargo Control Center agents actively track every step of their journey. Temperature-controlled vans and holding areas in select stations prevent exposure to extreme temperatures.
Please review the following information before booking a pet on Delta Cargo.
- A separate booking from the customer’s flight itinerary is required. Go to Delta Cargo or call Delta Cargo at 800-352-2846 for details.
- Additional fees and charges may apply.
- A pet shipped domestically via Delta Cargo cannot be booked until 14 days prior to departure.
- Pets are not guaranteed to be shipped on a customer’s same flight or flight schedule.
- Shipping a pet requires dropping it off at a Delta Cargo location separate from passenger check-in.
- At least three hours before departure time for domestic travel
- At least five hours before departure time for international travel
- To accept an animal for shipment, forecasted temperatures must be between 20°F and 80°F at each location in the animal’s journey with Delta, including on the ground at origin, transfer and destination.
- Picking up a pet would also occur at a Delta Cargo location.
- Delta Cargo only accepts international pet shipments from known shippers. Delta suggests that international customers use a pet shipper approved by the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association. Customers would then need to follow acceptance procedures set by the shipper. A list of IPATA members near you can be found at www.ipata.org.
- For additional information, please contact Delta Cargo at 800-352-2746.
Destination Restrictions
Many countries and states have strict regulations regarding international pet travel. Please see U.S. Domestic & International Pet Travel for more information.
Kennel Requirements
To transport a pet in cabin (PETC) either soft- or hard-sided kennels must be leak-proof and ventilated on at least two sides. Kennels are not sold at Delta Ticket Counters, but are available at most pet supply stores.
To transport a pet as checked baggage or cargo, use an approved shipping kennel in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines . The kennel must provide enough room for a pet to stand and sit erect — without the head touching the top of the container — and to turn around and lie down in a natural position.
Approved kennels are available for sale for Delta customers and shippers at most Delta Cargo locations, as well as many pet supply stores. To purchase a kennel from Delta, check with the local cargo facility for availability of the kennel size needed in advance of travel date.
View additional details regarding kennel requirements including kennel type, size and cost.
Seasonal Embargoes
Due to seasonal weather conditions, to keep pets safe, we do not accept pets as checked baggage during certain times of the year. During those times, customers may ship their pets as cargo .
Year-round Restrictions
Delta will not accept animals as checked baggage during extreme weather, if at any point (origin/transit/destination) during the animal's trip the high temperature for the day is forecast to be:
Temperature Restrictions |
For tickets issued prior to July 24, 2018, for travel On/after August 1, 2018 |
For tickets issued on/after July 24, 2018, |
Below: 10°F / -12°C |
Below: 20°F / -6.5°C |
Above: 85°F / 29.5°C |
Above: 80°F / 26.5°C |
Delta also will not accept an animal as checked baggage if the temperature in one or more of the cities in the customer's itinerary is at or near Delta's temperature restrictions, above.
Please note: No exceptions are allowed for the temperature restriction.
Delta reserves the right to refuse live animals as checked baggage and as cargo if the animal's health is in question and/or if the health of the animal may be jeopardized by extreme conditions.
- Delta no longer accepts live animals as checked baggage for travel to/from Liberia, Costa Rica (LIR).
Summer Restrictions - May 15 through September 15
- Delta does not accept pets as checked as baggage on Delta and Aeromexico operated flights.
- Pets may be shipped as cargo but temperature restrictions apply (see year round temperature restrictions above).
Winter Restrictions - November 1 through March 31
- Delta does not accept pets as checked baggage on flights to or from:
- Sun Valley, ID (SUN)
- Twin Falls, ID (TWF)
- Jackson Hole, WY (JAC)
- Sun Valley, ID (SUN)
- For all other scenarios, please see the year-round temperature restrictions above.
Additional Weather Restrictions: Live Birds
Pet birds and tropical birds normally kept indoors are at risk if the temperature, at any point on the planned itinerary, is below 50F (10C). When temperatures are between 50F (10C) and 20F (-6.7C), they are transported at the risk of the shipper. A certificate of acclimation is not required.
Live, wild birds will not be transported unless:
- Shipper, or shipper's agent, certifies in writing on shipper's letterhead and submit with the air waybill, that the birds being shipped were born or bred in captivity or on special farms, or birds are being shipped to or from a zoological garden, wildlife preserve, or government wildlife agency.
- Transportation is restricted to Delta local services.
Animal Breed Restrictions
Delta does not accept snub-nosed or pug-nosed dogs and cats as checked baggage in Cargo. There are no military exceptions for restricted pet breeds.
Live Birds Restrictions
Visit Delta Cargo for complete details regarding transporting live birds.
Aircraft Restrictions
Delta One™ / Business Class / First Class / Flat Bed Seat Restrictions
Pets in Cabin (PETC) are not allowed in the Delta One, Business Class or First Class cabin on any international flight, regardless of aircraft type, due to insufficient space*. In addition, for the same reason, pets are not allowed on any domestic flight in the Delta One, Business Class or First Class Cabin, that is equipped with a flat-bed seat.
*Exception: Delta is accepting PETC in Business and First Class for International travel when the aircraft is not configurated with flat-bed seats.
Boeing 767 Aircraft Restriction
Delta does not accept animals as checked baggage or cargo on any Delta operated B767 aircraft systemwide. There are no exceptions to this restriction for any customers, including military customers.
Boeing 757 Aircraft Restriction
Delta does not accept animals as checked baggage or cargo on any Delta operated B757 aircraft to/from Europe. There are no exceptions to this restriction for any customers, including military customers.
Airbus 330-200 Aircraft Restriction
Delta does not accept animals as checked baggage or cargo on any Delta operated A330-200 aircraft systemwide. There are no exceptions to this restriction for any customers, including military customers.
Delta Connections & Pet Travel
If a pet's journey requires it to fly more than one airline, there are some additional considerations to think about in advance. Arrange for a pet's flights to allow for plenty of extra time to change planes.
Prior arrangements are necessary with all the carriers involved, for a pet to receive proper attention. If a pet has to transfer from a Delta flight to a Delta Connection flight, the Delta flight must be confirmed at least 48 hours before the scheduled departure time of the Delta Connection flight. That way we have enough time to make transfer arrangements between the two carriers and ensure the pet is safely delivered.
Delta Connection & Pet Travel have different capabilities and policies concerning pets.
Service and Support Animals
Additional information is available for transporting service and support animals.
For any additional information or questions regarding Delta's pet policy program, please contact Global Sales Support or Delta Reservations for assistance.