Due to COVID19 and its effects on the travel industry, Delta has heard from several members of the travel agency community concerning our ticket refund policy, potential for increased credit card chargebacks, associated debit memos, and the resulting impact it could have on businesses. Delta understands your worries and would like to provide information to help ease your concerns.
First, our current ticket policy due to the COVID-19 situation is best outlined here at https://pro.delta.com/content/agency/us/en/home.html. Please continue to visit this site for the most up to date guidance. Secondly, when Delta receives a credit card chargeback, a debit memo is not immediately sent to the travel agency. All credit card chargebacks from direct and indirect sales channels are thoroughly reviewed with supporting documentation sent to the issuing banks to prove the validity of the charge. It is only after the credit card chargeback process has been completed, which typically takes 20 to 30 days, that a debit memo would be issued.
Key items to note:
- If a credit card chargeback is related to a ticket (refundable or non-refundable) on a cancelled flight, Delta will accept it as a refund and will not issue a debit memo to the associated travel agency.
- Delta is in constant communication with the credit card schemes to reinforce that chargebacks related to non-refundable tickets on operated flights are to be resolved in Delta’s favor. We are closely monitoring these types of chargebacks and associated win rates.