Unaccompanied Minor (UMNR) Service   

Woman and child sitting in Delta Comfort+


The following guidelines apply to worldwide travel on Delta and Delta Connection carriers. Travel Agents may make reservations for Unaccompanied Minor (UMNR) travel and contact Global Sales Support, Delta Reservations or the dedicated UMNR phone number 800-325-8847, for assistance with required documentation.

Interline UMNR Agreements

DL processes requests for UMNR service on Aeromexico (AM) and regional carrier Aerolitoral DBA Aeromexico Connect (5D);  Air France (AF)  and KLM (KL)  and regional carriers Hop! and KLM Cityhopper; the requirements for those carriers can be located at Aeromexico.com for Aeromexico UMNR and Business Solutions for Air France or KLM UMNRs.

Please note:

  • UMNR services for Delta and Aeromexico will be offered to and from Mexico and the United States. Delta will not accept a UMNR request if the itinerary does not include a flight operated by Delta, Air France, KLM and/or Aeromexico. 
  • The UMNR interline agreement between Delta, Air France and KLM does not include flights connecting to/from Aeromexico or Aeromexico Connect and the UMNR interline agreement between Delta and Aeromexico does not include flights connecting to/from Air France and KLM. 
  • In addition, Delta does not have an interline UMNR agreement with Korean Air (KE), Virgin Atlantic (VS) or Virgin Australia (VA).
  • Delta may not accept UMNR requests on itineraries that include other airlines (OAL) even if the itinerary includes a Delta-operated flight. 
    • This restriction applies to all itineraries ticketed on Delta 006 ticket stock, including tickets issued using SkyMiles.


Unaccompanied Minor - Special Services

Delta provides special services for children who are flying by themselves. Children 5-14 years of age traveling without an adult (18 years plus) are considered an Unaccompanied Minor (UMNR) and must participate in the UMNR program.

Unaccompanied Minor (UMNR) service is mandatory for ages 5-14. Children ages 15-17 are not required to have unaccompanied service; however, we will provide the service if requested. The UMNR service fee will apply.


Delta's Dedicated UMNR Phone Number

To better serve Unaccompanied Minors (UMNRs) traveling on Delta flights, Delta launched a dedicated Unaccompanied Minor phone number to assist with UNMRs. The dedicated phone number is 800-325-8847 and may be used by travel agents or customers who have questions regarding Delta’s UMNR program.


Contact Delta for Assistance

It is important that the UMNR is identified in the PNR prior to departure. If a passenger’s Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD) indicates, by the date of birth, that the traveler is a minor, and the minor is traveling alone, Delta requires additional UMNR information be entered in the PNR.  To provide the best service possible, when making UMNR reservations, qualifying Travel Agents may contact Global Sales Support for assistance. Travel Agents in the U.S. 50, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands may call the UMNR designated phone number 800-325-8847. All other locations should contact Delta Reservations if they need assistance with the UMNR PNR.

Please note: When travel includes an Aeromexico (AM) or an Aeromexico Connection operated flight between the U.S. and Mexico, Travel Agents must contact the dedicated UMNR phone number noted above  or Delta Reservations to confirm acceptance of the UMNR on an AM-operated flight prior to ticketing, because AM has a UMNR capacity restriction.


Unaccompanied Minor Tracking

Delta provides barcoded wristbands that will be scanned at important points of our Unaccompanied Minor's journey. 


Unaccompanied Minor Policy Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to worldwide travel on Delta and Delta Connection carriers.

Rules for our JV partners are addressed in the below links.

UMNRs ages 5-7 must enroll in the UMNR program.

UMNRs ages 8-14 must enroll in the UMNR program.

UMNRs ages 15-17 have the option to enroll in the UMNR program. It is not mandatory. If enrolled, they must follow all UMNR guidelines. 

Important Notes:

1.      OAL flights: UMNR itinerary cannot contain ANY OAL space other than AM/AF/KL, even when accompanied by an adult on the OAL portion. If UMNR requires OAL travel, those flights must be booked and ticketed separately with that airline.

2.      Multiple UMNRs traveling together: Follow the most restrictive rules when multiple UMNRs are traveling together. For example, if an UMNR age 17 is traveling with an UMNR age 6, both must follow the UMNR restrictions applicable to the 6 year old. 

Exception: Teen Parents are allowed to travel with their minor children

  • A teen parent is permitted to travel with his/her minor child, provided the minor child or teen parent is not enrolled as an UMNR.
  • If the teen parent is enrolled as an UMNR, both the teen parent and their minor child must meet the UMNR age requirements, and the most restrictive booking rules will apply to both customers.

3.      Routing: Do all possible to book UMNRs on a nonstop flight versus connecting flights, and single connections are preferred over multi city connections.

4.      UMNR will not be allowed to connect/transfer between co-terminals airports. 

  • e.g.: NYC: LGA/JFK/EWR

5.      UMNRs should never be confirmed on any itinerary that involves an overnight connection.

Unaccompanied Minor Age/Routing Restrictions

Unaccompanied Minor – Age (UMNR)

Routing Restrictions


4 years of age and younger

Not permitted to travel alone. Must be accompanied by a passenger at least 18 years of age.

5-7 Enrolled in UMNR Program

Routings Permitted

  • Non-stop domestic and international flights operated by Delta, Delta Connection, Aeromexico, Air France or KLM.
  • Last non-stop flight of the night if departing before 8:59 p.m. and less than 2 hour flight time.
  • Non-stop flights to/from Alaska or Hawaii, including red-eye flights if no other flight option exists. If non red-eye flights exist, the UMNR may not be booked on the red-eye flights.
  • Through flights (change of equipment not permitted).

Routings Not Permitted

  • Connecting itineraries
  • Any flight not operated by Delta, Delta Connection, Aeromexico, Air France or KLM
  • Domestic (Within the U.S. 50, or between the U.S. 50 and U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico) red-eye flights longer than 2 hours in duration departing between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.


  • Permitted on non-stop red-eye flights meeting the following conditions:
    • Departing to/from Alaska or Hawaii*
    • International non-stop flights

*Alaska and Hawaii: If there are earlier, qualifying flights in these markets, the earlier flights must be booked.

  Example:  HNL-LAX
     1   1212   HNLLAX  838P  500A¥1             
     2   1150   HNLLAX  714A  345P  

In the scenario above, the morning flight from HNL must be booked.  Because a morning flight option exists, the red-eye flight is not permitted.



8-14 Mandatory Enrollment Required in UMNR Program


15-17 Voluntarily Enrolled in UMNR Program

Routings Permitted

  • Domestic and international nonstop and connecting flights operated by Delta, Delta Connection, Aeromexico, Air France or KLM
    • Exception: If a UMNR 15-17 is traveling with a UMNR 5 -14, all UMNRs must follow the most restrictive routing rules. See rules for ages 5-7 and ages 8-14
  • For ages 8 - 14 - Last non-stop flight of the night, if departing before 8:59 p.m. or if the flight is less than 2 hours flight time.  
  • For ages 15 – 17 - Last nonstop flight of the night
  • Through flights (change of equipment permitted only if the connecting flight is not the last flight option of the day.)

Please Note: UMNRs can only connect to other Delta, Delta Connection, Air France or KLM flights.

Routings Not Permitted

  • Any flight not operated by Delta, Delta Connection, Aeromexico, Air France or KLM (Itinerary that includes OAL and DL Codeshare flights are not permitted) 
  • Last flight option of the day from a connecting city (see exception: Alaska or Hawaii)
  • Domestic (Within the U.S. 50, or between the U.S. 50 and U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico) red-eye flights departing between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. longer than 2 hours in duration


In markets with only one flight option, the last flight of the day or red-eye flights are permitted if they meet the following conditions:

  • Departing to/from Alaska or Hawaii*· 
    • If there are earlier, qualifying flights in these markets, the earlier flights must be booked.​
  • Connecting to/from an international flight
  • International nonstop flight

    Exception examples:

 Scenario 1

  • Option A:  ICN-DTW-JFK
(DTW-JFK is not the last flight of the day)
  • Option B:  ICN-SEA-JFK
(SEA - JFK is not the last flight of the day) 
  • Option C:  ICN-ATL-JFK  

(ATL-JFK is the last flight of the day)

Only Option A or Option B are permitted as their domestic flights are not the last flight of the day.

Scenario 2

  • Option A:  PEK-DTW-BDL

    (DTW-BDL is the last flight of the day and only option)

  • Option B:  PEK-SEA-DTW-BDL

(DTW-BDL is the last flight of the day and only option)

Although the domestic flight, DTW-BDL in Option A is the last flight of the day, both options are permitted because the UMNR is connecting from an international flight, and it’s the only flight option to BDL; however, Option A is a single connection which is the preferred option. A single connection is always better than a double connection for UMNR travel.

Scenario 3

  • Option A:  YYZ-DTW-ICN
  • Option B*:  YYZ-DTW-ICN
    (*last flight of the day from YYZ-DTW )

Both options are permitted since the last flight from YYZ to DTW is at the origin point and isn't the connecting flight.

Scenario 4

*Alaska and Hawaii: If there are earlier, qualifying flights in these markets, the earlier flights must be booked.

  Example:  HNL-LAX-LAS
     1   1212   HNLLAX  838P  500A¥1            
     2*  5793          LAS  630A  745A 
     3   1150   HNLLAX  714A  345P  
     4*  4449          LAS  515P  636P

In the scenario above, the morning flight from HNL must be booked. Because a morning flight option exists, the red-eye flight is not permitted.

15-17 Not Enrolled in UMNR Program

  • If traveling with an UMNR age 5-14, the most restrictive routing rules apply. See Ages 5-7 and Ages 8-14 (Note: UMNR age 5-14 must be enrolled as an UMNR).
  • Children 15-17 are not required to have UMNR service but we will provide it when requested.
Additional Information
  • The UMNR escort service is not available for any passenger over the age of 17. If a passenger requires full monitoring during a connection, Delta recommends that they travel with a companion.

  • Delta offers the Meet and Assist (MAAS) service for customers with disabilities.
  • When assigning a seat, please assign a window seat closest to the rear of the aircraft.
  • Unaccompanied Minors must be ticketed on an adult fare. There are no child discounts.
  • Standby is not permitted. All UMNRs must be confirmed to their final destination.
  • UMNRs are permitted to travel with an animal:

    • As carry-on in cabin

    • As checked baggage

  • UMNRs are escorted and supervised by Delta In-flight Airport Customer Service and Delta contracted employees.
  • Delta reserves the right to refuse transport of UMNR for whom no UMNR service charge has been paid.
  • Delta's UMNR service is governed by the following Tariff Rules:

    • Domestic General Rule 8

    • International Rule 8

Important Note: For flights operated by Delta's codeshare partners, please contact Delta directly as unaccompanied minor requirements may vary.

If you have additional questions, please contact Delta Reservations.


Preparing For Travel

  • Ensure that the unaccompanied child has all the required documents when traveling internationally. Some countries require special documentation, such as a notarized letter, stating that the unaccompanied child has permission to fly alone. Usually the parent/guardian should contact the nearest embassy / consulate.
  • Plan for any necessary medical needs. We cannot administer medicine to children flying alone. If a child is unable to give himself/herself medication, other travel arrangements must be made.
  • Advise the parent/guardian to contact the person who will pick up your child at the destination airport to let them know they will have to show identification and sign an Acceptance of Responsibility form.


Important Tips for Unaccompanied Minor Travel


When making a reservation for an unaccompanied minor, qualifying Travel Agents may contact Global Sales Support for assistance. Travel Agents in the U.S. 50, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands may call the UMNR designated phone number 800-325-8847 and all other locations may call  Delta Reservations to ensure that the PNR is  documented correctly.


Advise customer to keep carry-on baggage for unaccompanied minor to a minimum, and attach ID and contact information on or inside the carry-on and checked baggage.

Entertainment and Food

Most flights do not offer meal service, advise customers to pack food for the flight, as well as books, games and other entertainment for the unaccompanied minor.

Special Instructions

Advise customer to explain the following flight procedures to their child:

  • Children traveling alone should speak only to Delta Air Lines agents if they need help or have questions.

  • They should never leave the airport, the gate area or the aircraft unless accompanied by a Delta Air Lines representative wearing a badge.

In addition, advise customer to let a Delta gate agent know if their child has any special needs so we can ensure a safe, secure and uneventful flight.

PIN Information

Travel Agents or the person making the reservation (parent or guardian) for the unaccompanied minor will be asked to choose a 4 digit PIN configuration. If the Travel Agent creates the PIN, they will need to share it with the parent or guardian. This PIN will be required to make any future changes to the Unaccompanied Minor contact information. In addition, they will be required to provide an emergency contact for the minor.  

Once the PIN is created, if the customer calls Delta, the PIN must be provided before updates or changes will be made to the following information in the UMNR reservation:

  • To Be Brought By (TBBB) - The parent or designated adult who will check-in the UMNR.
    •  Delta requires that the name and contact information for this person is in every UMNR reservation.
    • A valid government-issued ID must be presented and Delta’s airport personnel will verify that the identification matches the name listed as TBBB at check-in.

  • To Be Met By (TBMB) - The parent or designated adult meeting the child at the destination.
    • Delta requires that the name and contact information for this person is in every UMNR reservation.
    • A valid government-issued ID must be presented and signature captured of the person meeting the child. Delta will not release the child to anyone other than the person(s) named in the reservation. Please note: The PIN will not be required to pick up the unaccompanied minor.

  • Emergency contact information for the minor

In case the PIN is forgotten, Travel Agents or customers in the U.S. 50, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands may contact Delta at 800 325 8847 and all other locations may contact Delta Reservations for assistance.

At The Airport

  • The child must be confirmed to his/her final destination as standby is not permitted.
  • Delta requires identification and signature of the person meeting the child and will not release to anyone other than the person named.

Note: Adults meeting or escorting unaccompanied minors, should report to the airport 2 hours prior to scheduled departure or arrival and obtain a gate pass at the ticket counter to proceed through airport security to the gate for pickup or drop-off of the unaccompanied minor. Please keep in mind, some airports have specific cut off times for check-in.

Upon arrival at the airport, proceed to the Delta Air Lines counter and look for the Special Services line to see an agent for assistance. Check-in cannot be completed using self-service options such as online or a kiosk. Unaccompanied Minors are required to see an agent to check-in.


Unaccompanied Minor Check-In Requirements

An adult (18 years of age or older) must accompany the unaccompanied minor at check in.

Parents/guardians may not be permitted to walk the unaccompanied minor to the boarding gate at some airports outside the United States. Upon check in, verify with the Delta agent where parents/guardians can wait for flight status; parents/guardians must remain at the airport until the flight is airborne.

Note: If the unaccompanied minor arrives at the counter alone, the Delta agent will not be permitted to complete check in. A parent/guardian will be contacted to return to the airport before the check-in process may begin.

The following information is required at time of check-in:

  • Information specific to the adult checking-in the unaccompanied minor to include:

    • Identification (e.g.: driver's license)

    • Address as shown on identification

    • Phone number – number provided to agent will be used for contact in case of any changes and as an emergency contact

  • Information specific to the adult picking up the unaccompanied minor at their destination to include:

    • Name of adult picking up at destination

    • Address as shown on identification

    • Phone number to contact

Once the information is collected by the agent the next steps are:

  • Payment of the unaccompanied minor fee (one way or round trip) and any additional fees such as checked baggage
  • Program rules will be reviewed such as:

    • Verifying the information is correct

    • Advising that, if the pickup person at the destination changes, parent/guardian in the U.S. 50, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands may call 800 325 -8847 and all other locations may call Delta Reservations   to provide the new information. Changes cannot be made at the airport.

    • If upon arrival someone other than the person named is at the destination to pick up the child, a Delta representative will contact the person in the origin who dropped off the child before release will be permitted to the new person

    • At the point of departure, acknowledge that the adult must remain at the gate until the flight is off the ground

    • Advise the adult picking up the child to obtain a gate pass

  • Once the program rules are reviewed the adult will be required to sign a document stating all the information provided is understood and is correct.

Agent will complete the check-in process by:

  • Affixing a wristband around the wrist of the child for identification purposes
  • Filling out the envelope that will be used during the trip to include:

    • All travel documents (boarding cards, unaccompanied minor forms, etc.)

    • Any additional documents (Passports, receipts, baggage claims, etc.)


Gate Procedures

Unaccompanied Minor – Departure Gate Procedures
  • Upon arrival at the gate, check-in with the gate agent for verification purposes.
  • Unaccompanied minor will board at the beginning of the boarding process.

Please note: The child will not be permitted to board the aircraft if the adult escorting them is not present at time of boarding.

  • Once the plane is off the ground the adult who has escorted the unaccompanied minor will be permitted to depart the gate area – this ensures that, if an irregular operation occurs, the child is escorted at all times.
Unaccompanied Minor – Arrival Gate Procedures
  • Upon arrival at the airport, the adult picking up the unaccompanied minor will be required to check-in at least 2 hours in advance at the ticket counter to obtain a gate pass.
  • Gate pass can only be issued by visiting a Delta Agent (Special Services line).
  • Arrive at the gate prior to aircraft arrival.
  • A Delta representative will bring the child from the aircraft to the gate.
  • Provide identification for verification purposes to the Delta representative.
  • Once the ID has been verified the adult will be required to sign a release form.
  • The child will be released and the adult will be given any documents such as passport, boarding cards, receipts, baggage claim, etc.


Child and Adult Traveling in Separate Cabins (Ages 5-14)

Children ages 5-14 traveling with a ticketed passenger 18 years or older that is sitting in a separate cabin, must be enrolled in the UMNR program. The UMNR fee, seating and routing restrictions do not apply. Travel Agents should contact Delta’s UMNR phone number at 800-325-8847 for assistance enrolling the child in the UMNR program.


Service Charge

The following charges are only for the Delta and Delta Connection operated portion of the itinerary. If your itinerary involves multiple carriers, you may need to pay fees for each one.


Program Fee

Program Fee information


$150 USD / CAD / EUR each way

Fee applies to Domestic and International travel (nonstop and/or connecting).

(Please note: CAD/EUR currency is used when departing Canada or Europe.)

  • The UMNR service charge is mandatory for children 5-14 when not accompanied on the same flight in the same compartment by a person at least 18 years of age or a parent/legal guardian (and parent must be at least 15 years or older).
  • Fee is mandatory when a parent/guardian elects to enter a 15-17 year old into the program.
  • Only one UMNR service charge applies for up to four (4) children traveling together on the same itinerary (does not have to be in the same PNR) who have the same contact [To Be Brought By (TBBB ) / To Be Met By (TBMB) ] information.
  • Fee can be paid one way or round trip at time of check-in or in advance:
    • For domestic itineraries (travel within the U.S. or travel between the U.S. or Canada),the UMNR fee may be paid one-way or round-trip at time of check-in or in advance through Delta Reservations.
    • For international itineraries, the fee may be paid one-way or round-trip at time of check-in. Please note: Delta Reservations is not able to assist with the UMNR fee for international itineraries in advance of travel.  
  • Fee is non-refundable once flown.

Country-Specific UMNR Regulations and International Travel Documents

For the safety of your child, some countries have more restrictions for children traveling with guardians or as an unaccompanied minor. Please visit Country-Specific Regulations on delta.com for additional details.

  • UMNR passport must be signed to be valid.
  • Many countries now require a letter from the parent/legal guardian giving permission for the minor to travel alone or with someone who is not their parent/legal guardian.
  • UMNRs traveling internationally should have Immigration Forms completed by parent/guardian at check-in or at the gate prior to boarding whenever possible.
  • Destinations like Mexico have online forms that should be completed prior to check-in if possible.
  • Encourage customers with questions to contact the nearest embassy or consulate for specific document requirements.


Delta Sky Zone


The Delta Sky Zone is a secure area where unaccompanied children can wait for connecting flights, use complimentary phones to contact parents/guardians and take advantage of entertainment and activities like books, TV, games and toys. When the room is open it is staffed by Delta Air Lines representatives, to ensure children feel secure and comfortable. The Delta Sky Zone is located in Atlanta, Cincinnati, Detroit, New York-JFK and LGA, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City and Seattle.

Airport, Location and Hours of Operation







Hours of Operation



B Concourse
Next to Gate B-25


24 hours


C Concourse
Adjacent to Gate C-35


6:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.

June 9 - September 9


E Concourse
Across from Gate E-11


6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Memorial Day - Labor Day



B Concourse
Gate B-14


9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
May 15 – August 15


Next to Bigalora Cucina Restaurant



6:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.

Next to Gate C-1


Hours of operation varies as determined by operation

June 15 – September 4

Thanksgiving and

Christmas holiday seasons



Terminal 2 
Upper level, 
across from Gate C60

Hours of operation varies as determined by operation

Terminal 4 
Opposite Gate B31


4:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. daily


Terminal 2 - Gate 22 


4:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.


Terminal 3 - Gate 31A


4:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.



C concourse
Upper level, 
close to Gold connector



5:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.




B Concourse
Gate B9


5:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.





C Concourse 


7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.


D Concourse 

Mid-June, July and August

7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.


E Concourse 


Seasonally/as required


Unaccompanied Minor FAQs

For Assistance

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about children traveling alone. For additional questions not answered below, qualifying Travel Agents may contact Global Sales Support for assistance. Travel Agents in the U.S. 50, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands may call 800- 325 -8847 and all other locations may call Delta Reservations for assistance.

What Happens When It's Time for a Child Traveling Alone to Board the Aircraft?

A Delta Air Lines employee will take the child on board before general boarding begins. This allows time to:

  • Introduce the child to the flight attendants

  • Introduce the child to the cockpit crew, time permitting (kids love this part)

  • Take the child to his or her seat and assist with carry-on items

  • Familiarize the child with the safety features of the aircraft

  • Advise the child of lavatory locations

  • Inform the child if assistance is required to contact a flight attendant and to remain in their seat upon landing as a flight attendant will get them when it is time to deplane
Can Parents or Guardians Board the Aircraft with the Child?

No. Parents and/or Guardians will be asked to say goodbye in the terminal area because access is restricted to ticketed passengers only. We do ask, however, that they stay in the gate area until the child's plane takes off in the event the flight returns to the gate.

Who Will Transfer the Child Traveling Alone From Flight to Flight?

A badged Delta employee will meet the child's arriving flight.

  • If the child's connection time is short, the unaccompanied minor escort will take the child directly to the connecting departure and will escort him or her on-board.

  • If the child's layover is longer, the employee will take him or her to the Delta Sky Zone or other secure location, and turn the ticket and the Unaccompanied Minor over to the next Delta Air Lines employee in the room (the employee keeps the child's documentation until it is time to go to the connecting flight). Another Delta employee will escort the child onto the connecting flight at the appropriate time and introduce him or her to the flight attendants.
What Happens If One of the Flights Is Delayed and/or Canceled?

If Delta has any indication that the child(ren)'s flight may not operate as scheduled, we will advise the parents or guardians and suggest that travel is booked for another day. If the delay or cancellation occurs enroute, Delta employees will:

  • Rebook the child on the next available departure to their destination.

  • Stay with the child until they can be boarded on an alternate flight.

  • Contact the person at the destination who is designated to pick up the child and/or the person listed as the emergency contact. Delta will continue to attempt contact until contact is made.

Under very rare circumstances, an overnight may be required (e.g. a major snowstorm). In these situations, Delta will provide overnight and meal accommodations for the child. A Delta employee will provide supervision to ensure child's safety during an overnight stay. Parents or guardians will be contacted with pertinent information if this unusual circumstance occurs.

What If the Unaccompanied Minor Service Is Declined for a 15 to 17 Year Old?
  • Enrollment in the Delta Air Lines Unaccompanied Minor program is mandatory for children 5 to 14. If a 15 to 17 year old is traveling without supervision, please note the reservation or advise the Delta agent to note the reservation. The child will be expected to handle boarding and deplaning as well as transfers to connecting gates on their own.

  • Remind the teenager never to leave the airport for any reason unless accompanied by a badged Delta employee or uniformed police officer until they have reached their destination city. She or he should never seek help from or leave the airport with strangers.

  • Provide the teenager with instructions, phone contacts and a small amount of money for food in the unlikely event their flight is missed, delayed, canceled or rerouted.

  • Remind the teenager that they can seek the assistance of any Delta employee if they have questions, concerns or need reassurance.

  • Remember most hotels will not accept young people who are not accompanied by an adult.

Partner Policy Information for Unaccompanied Minors


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