Delta’s Mask Exemption Process: It’s Rigorous for Everyone’s Safety
Medical research tells us that wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to reduce the COVID-19 infection rate. That's why Delta remains committed to requiring customers and employees to wear a mask or face covering as a consistent layer of protection across all Delta touchpoints.
Starting July 20, customers who believe they have an underlying condition that prevents them from wearing a mask are required to complete a "Clearance-To-Fly" process before being permitted to travel, for everyone's safety. The virtual consultation process facilitated by a Delta agent with a third-party medical professional could take up to an hour, so customers needing a rare exemption should plan to show up to the airport early. Delta is encouraging customers prevented from wearing a mask due to a health condition to reconsider travel, altogether. A "Clearance-To-Fly" process is required for each trip.
In early May Delta began requiring employees and customers to wear a mask or face covering across Delta touchpoints at airports and onboard the aircraft. Exceptions that remain in place that do not require pre-travel clearance include young children who cannot maintain a face covering and unaccompanied minors.
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